OSOGD at PantheaCon 2018

As in years past, the OSOGD will be hosting a hospitality suite at PantheaCon this year, namely in Room 1060 of the Doubletree San Jose.  We invite you to visit our suite for refreshments, rituals, and workshops. This year our suite features an intimate ritual held on Saturday (Feb. 17, 2018) at 6:30pm, titled Mars and the Drums of War, in which we will invoke the Lord of War to face these days of deep conflict.

Evenings after 8pm, let loose your inner warrior and join us for refreshment and respite. Energize your battle-worn body through quiet contemplation within our Martial altar room; or fill your drinking horn in raucous camaraderie in our social space, where bawdy songs and heroic tales may spontaneously erupt when the passion takes us.

Friday, Feb. 16, 2018 (suite opens at 6:30pm)

6:30pm-7:30pm: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (workshop)
We will discuss and demonstrate this fundamental ceremonial magick practice in an active workshop where a range of techniques and styles will be shared.

Saturday, Feb. 17, 2018 (suite opens at 2:30pm)

2:30pm-3:30pm: Deity Possession, Preparation, Union, and Aftercare, w/Dr. Sam Webster (discussion)
Based on decades of experience and deep research into ancient theurgic writings, Sam Webster PhD, M.Div, will discuss the finer points of the possessory experience.

4:30pm-5:30pm: Fiery Compassion: Integrating Qigong with OSOGD Meditations, w/ Fr. ODL SW (workshop)
This participatory workshop incorporates standing and moving postures of Chinese Qigong energy work along with OSOGD meditation practices derived from esoteric Buddhism.

6:30pm-8:00pm: Mars and the Drums of War (ritual)
Controlled power, endurance, courage—these are of Mars. With Dike and Themis, Nemesis and Eris in His retinue, Mars comes to protect, to provide, and to prance. Come invoke, make offerings, and dance with The Warrior. In the depths of conflict, let us forge harmony.  All attendees are encouraged to wear red.

Sunday, Feb. 18, 2018 (suite opens at 2:30pm)

2:30pm-3:30pm: Pacts with Spirits: Applying Contract Law to Spirit Work, w/ Fr. HGS (discussion)
Frater HGS, a practicing attorney, will lead a workshop discussion on how to apply principles of contract law when offering petitions to or entering into agreements with spirits.

4:30pm-5:30pm: Theoricus Poker (game)
Theoricus Poker is a variant of Liar’s Poker where the propositions are based on the astrological, Qabbalistic and elemental correspondences of the tarot. Winners each receive a complimentary tarot deck!

6:30pm-7:30pm: Reiki Healing Session (workshop)
All are welcome, regardless of experience level, to a group healing session led by initiates of traditional Usui-lineage Reiki.