
OSOGD Redactions of Classic Golden Dawn rituals

These are the actual rituals edited and used by the OSOGD. For Lodge and Temple study and use these ritual scripts may be downloaded as PDFs in your choice of two different formats. The first is in continuous spreads suitable for study. The second, when printed with odd numbered PDF pages on one side and even on the other, can be folded and stapled into convenient Read More. . .

The Rite of the Milk of the Stars

by Fr. IO to replace the lesser banishing ritual of the Pentagram One of several essays on transforming the LBR into a new, more Thelemic ritual. The Quantum Cross Chaos reaching below, then with both arms sweeping outward until over head and say Cosmos drawing both arms downward passing hands over body Eros extend left arm until perpendicular with body, palms upward as though cupping a Read More. . .

The House of Khabs

by Fr. IO An attempt to reformulate the GD Vault of the Adepti on the basis of R.Buckminster Fuller’s Synergetic Geometries. Stay tuned for further updates inspired by 10 years of study since this was written. The Rosicrucians tell a story about the burial place of their founder, Christian Rosenkreutz. It is a room or vault with seven walls, a white ceiling and a black floor, Read More. . .

A Thelemic Ganachakra

a ‘mass’ performed in the tantric manner by Fr. IO Originally composed as part of the Beast Bay “Compose your Own” Gnostic Mass contest. This ritual shows how to form a classic Tantric worship mandala using the Thelemic Godforms. Source Abrahadabra! Taking the view every way perfect, Making no difference between any one thing and any other thing, The Scarlet Woman and the Beast establish an Read More. . .

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