Welcome to the website of
the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn
We are a community of magickal practitioners, mostly of Pagan background, who have gathered to work the Golden Dawn System.
Since most of the original order’s material is published, and the world is very different from what it was at the start of the 20th century, we don’t operate in secrecy or keep secrets save what is needed for confidentiality or security.
We invite you to:
- Read the Manifesto of the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn, which outlines our goals and philosophy.
- Read the Constitution of the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn.
- Check out the Frequently Asked Questions to learn more about us.
- All of our Order’s officers are elected by democratic process, as set forth in our Constitution, and our operational Regulations are published.
- Learn about our spiritual development process in On the General Guidance and Purification of the Soul, v2.0.
- Postulants to the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn have a right to ask where we stand On Lineage.
- Study our Rituals. As we redact them into suitable forms we’ll be posting them on this site. We invite you to put them to your own use.
- Visit our on-line Library, where you will find the results of our collection process and our own research and practice. If you have writings that may be suitable to post here, let us know. Through open discussion the community of practice grows.
- Work with us or at least let us know you are out there.
In the sense of making it more prevalent, our primary goal is to normalize Adeptship. Would you like to help?
The Manifesto of the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn
Issued 23 September 2002 CE “Abrogate are all rituals, all ordeals, all words and signs. Ra-Hoor-Khuit hath taken his seat in the East at the Equinox of the Gods.” As Western Civilization enters a new Aeon, so must its esoteric traditions. Our solution is not to destroy the old traditions, but to make them new again. Our Order is a manifestation and heir of the Golden Read More. . .
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have further questions we can clarify for you, please let us know by contacting our Cancellarius. Q: Is the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn a “real” Golden Dawn order? A: The first task is to define the Golden Dawn: Historically the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a flowering of the western magickal tradition in England, France, the US and later, Read More. . .
The Constitution of the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn
We, the Members & Adepts of the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn, in order to form a more perfect vehicle for the creation of Adept Magi, to educate and prepare those who would aspire to the same high estate, and to secure the blessings of a community thereof to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Open Source Order Read More. . .
Rules & Regulations
Affiliation Anyone is welcome to use our material as they like, constrained only by the rights reserved in the documents. If a temple or lodge is formed in its use, it may say it is using OSOGD material or inspired thereby but may not say that the group is an OSOGD group, nor can it claim to initiate within the OSOGD current. Any group using our Read More. . .