Category: Education
The Golden Dawn Academy
Interested in learning the Golden Dawn system of magic?
Do you want to practice theurgy with the Open Source Order but live too far away?
Starting April 13, 2017, the OSOGD will be opening the doors of the Golden Dawn … Read the rest
When thinking about Theurgy and the Golden Dawn
For the past several years I have been working on a doctorate in history about the Golden Dawn and theurgy. This early, lighthearted essay shows some of the connections I found and have been writing about. For your enjoyment…
Our … Read the rest
Epiphanies in Iamblichus
(from my doctoral thesis on the history of theurgy)
When we successfully invoke, the Being who we call comes. Sometimes it is very internal, sometimes we go the distance and work for an very dual and/or external manifestation. The result, … Read the rest
Origins Matter
Where does the Golden Dawn come from? We know about the Cypher Manuscripts, and we know the Founders developed them, in several stages, into the rituals we know today. We also know there has to be more of a backstory.… Read the rest