Further Reading

Other collected works for the Golden Dawn practitioner.

Gematra Tables for Latin, Greek, & Hebrew

These are the three major lettering systems and their numerical equivalents. LATIN GREEK HEBREW A 1 A 1 A 1 ALPh, Aleph 111 B 2 B 2 B 2 BITh, Beth 412 C 3 G 3 G 3 GML, Gimel 73 D 4 D 4 D 4 DLTh, Daleth 434 E 5 E 5 H 5 HA, He 6 F 6 S 6 V 6 VIV, Read More. . .

Egyptian Mythology FAQ

written by Shawn C. Knight (contact info) Version 3.0, 10-May-1995 23:40:57 GMT Part I: The Gods Introductory Note: Herein I have placed short summaries explaining the functions of many of the more important gods worshiped in Ancient Egypt. If anyone can suggest any additions, modifications, clarifications, etc. please feel free to contact me by Email at knightster+@cmu.edu . Also, if anyone catches any typos, let me Read More. . .

The Golden Ratio

It links art, music and even architecture. Marcus Chown on an enigmatic number (from The Guardian, January 16, 2003) Think of any two numbers. Make a third by adding the first and second, a fourth by adding the second and third, and so on. When you have written down about 20 numbers, calculate the ratio of the last to the second from last. The answer should Read More. . .

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