Flying Roll No. III


By G.H. Fra. N.O.M. (Dr. W.W. Westcott)

  1. If you are leaving home, or will be away, or if there be any reason why these messages should not be sent to you – you must inform the member from whom you receive messages.
  2. Messages are to be returned to N.O.M. whenever they cannot be sent to the proper member; and a note is to be added, stating the reason why this is necessary.
  3. A time for keeping each message will be written upon each: any member who causes unnecessary delay will incur the risk of being omitted from the next circulation.
  4. Each member must sign the form and add data of receipt and sending on, under a similar penalty on failure to do this duty which is required for the common good.
  5. Do not keep anytime, the address of the office, written out, or only written in Hebrew.

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