On Saturday, 6/20/15, the OSOGD convened for its monthly day/night of activities. Our program was the Educational Session @ 3:30pm, followed by a dinner break, and then the Neophyte Hall @ 7:30pm.
Fr. HOSV conducted the Educational Session, giving an excellent presentation on Geomancy. His talk thoroughly covered the basics (figures, meanings, and 1-/3-figure readings) of this arcane topic. Additionally, our Frater presented his inital forays into an original technique for linking Geomancy and I-Ching to produce potentially more revealing divinations. My favorite part of the talk was his analysis of the Golden Dawn’s geomantic talismans – 1 or 2 of which we use in one of our elemental advancements – and their similarity to Icelandic Rune Staves.
Afterwards, everyone visited the Taco Truck, and brought dinner back to the Temple, where we ate and hung out until we began setting up for the Neophyte Hall around 6:30.
This month’s Hall, in the absence of any new initiations, featured an offering ritual centered around some key prayers of our Order. Much chanting and circumambulating was performed in the ritual, and afterwards our group consensus was that we had succeeded in the goals we’d set out for the ritual. Our efforts also coincided with the beginning of the Summer Solstice, bringing extra energy to our working.
After Hall we enjoyed our usual wine, food, and socializing, before packing it all up + leaving just before midnight!